mercoledì 16 aprile 2014


After two years in Latvia, basically in Riga, and one still to be spent here, before my coming back to Italy, I have thought to share my impressions on this European Country on the Baltic sea. I would like to be useful to tourists or whoever is thinking to move here either for business or for whatsoever.
Firstly, I want to point out that I've really liked leaving in Latvia and among its inhabitants, nevertheless in my blog I will be totally objective regarding the pros (many) and the cons (not to be under evaluated). In Italy many people are confused about Baltic States: they think that Lithuania and Latvia are the same thing and are somewhere in the north Geography is not the Italian preferred topic, and maybe not only in Italy
I will share many photos taken by me in this wonderful place

Riga Harbour: Welcome from the Sea

Daugava River: welcome from the Airport

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